The Double Spiral represents the dual purpose of life - the journey inward to your Essence, and then outward to the world.
It is weaving the Path Home, forever inward and forever outward, on each path coming closer to your Divine Essence. The Double Spiral is the Dance of Life, inhabiting both planes of existence simultaneously.
This is an expression of the Goddess manifesting as physical life, and physical life realising its Divinity.
The double spiral is related to the yin-yang symbol - the Taijitu - which depicts the balance and the interwoven nature of the worldly realm and the spiritual realm.There are at least five common forms of the Double Spiral
Linked to earth-centered or mystical faith in a blend of evolution and devolution — decay/renewal, life/death/rebirth, spiritual/physical — the back and forth flow of earthly and cosmic changes. With its focus on the unity of opposites, it resembles the Yin Yang.