At NYC pride [x]
This needs more notes
Well said. And maybe this is just me, but I also feel that the people who worship Gaga the most, who get mad at this guy and say things like “you should be happy with her”, who think that she’s LGBT people’s Great Hero; those are typically white straight girls that have nothing to do with the LGBT community. Who are the same as Gaga, aren’t “born this way”, and stand there telling gay and trans people that she’s good for them.
You’d be making such a good point if Lady Gaga wasn’t bisexual There are plenty of criticisms to be made about how Gaga uses the LGBT* community
Ugh like I hate doing the whole militant bisexual thing but seeing this kind of blatant, incredibly ill informed, erasing bullshit from members of what is supposed to be a supportive community for us is so fucking tiring.
Also “you’re a straight white woman you don’t know shit about getting bullied” just fuck you, fuck you you misogynistic, poorly informed asshole if you’re going to criticise someone for being straight at least fucking check they’re ACTUALLY STRAIGHT
jesus like
i dont like lady gaga but this is the stupidest criticism
you cant criticize someone for being a non-LGBT when they are in fact queer