- An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
- A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
- A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
- Read Real Japanese Fiction
- ALC (I use this everyday)
→Expression encyclopaedia- Goo dictionary
- Weblio
- WWWJDIC (with audio clips)
- JWPce (downloadable dictionary for Windows)
- JEDict (downloadable for Mac users)
- Idiomatic Expressions
- Idioms dictionary [Japanese only]
- Counters dictionary
- Hovering dictionaries:
→Rikaikun for Chrome
→Rikaichan for Firefox
→Floating Dictionary for Mac- Current Affairs dictionary
For kanji.
- Jisho (I use this for spelling kanji for if I can’t read it)
- Yamasa (I use this for learning to write)
- A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters
- Associative Kanji Learning (stroke orders)
Online reading:
- Hukumusume Fairytales
- 竹取(Bamboo-Cutting) (vertical writing)
- 吉田秀幸の日記(Hideyuki Yoshida’s Diary) (recipes)
- Chokochoko’s reading texts to help with JLPT
- TED Talks (with Japanese subtitles and transcripts)
- Learning through Films [Japanese subtitles/scripts]
- Free online manga
- Vomic (free online manga with voice actors)
- Sound Effects (in manga, etc)
Improving your speaking:
- Japanese pronunciation guide
- Interactive Hiragana Pronounciation table
- Topics for Language Exchanges.
- Bubbly (a Twitter-like app where you can record yourself)
- Audioboo (similar to Bubbly, but also a website)
- “Real World” Japanese
- 泣きたいときのクスリ 2007 - ‘08 (radio drama)
Writing practice:
- Lang-8
- www.Japan-Guide.com
- 原稿用紙の使い方 (How to write an essay with Japanese writing paper)
- Shiritori (Japanese word-chain game)
- NewsWeb Easy
- NHK News (audio news with speed controls)
- Mainichi Primary School student Newspaper
- Afternoon Hirusagari
- Jet Daisuke
- バイリンガール英会話
- Analog TV Forever (collections of adverts)
Japanese sign language.
- Japanese subtitles for anime
- KeyHole TV (to stream Japanese TV and radio)
- 風雲LIVE日本語(Feng Yun LIVE Japanese) (to stream TV)
- 映画で学ぶ実践英会話
- Kanji-a-Day
- Holy crap Japanese
- Nihongo ga Suki
- Jumpstart Japanese
- Nihongolog
- Nadine Nihongo
- That Japan Addict
- ChilliMuffin
- Japanese through Fandom
- F-Yeah Native Japanese
- J-Vocab of the Day
- ぶらりめし [Japanese only]
- Peaceful Chef [Japanese only]
Those studying in Japan.
- Japanicking in Yamanashi (at Yamanashi University)
- Samxuel (at Kyushu Sangyo)
- Katy in Japan Town (at NUFS)
- Chocotastie (at Seinan Gakuin)
- Kim in Sapporo (at Hokkaido University)
Learning websites:
- JapaneseClass.jp
- The Japanese Page
- Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese
- Erin’s Challenge (with listening and reading practice)
- Maggie Sensei
Other resources:I’ve added more to the list since first creating it. As always, if anyone has anything they would like to add, let me know!