Useless - Says the news station with horrible design and marketing capabilities…
I mean honestly, it looks like a power point slide that was reduced to 50% opacity to make it look “high tech” and “futuristic”
Then the un-clickable “look at us we are using social media now because we are totally hip and happening” buttons. Which have no function other than to let the audience know that because you are using social media and have a website, you are “high tech”
And then there is lack of any coherent gridlines. which makes reading this take far longer than I care to. Imagine an hour of this…daily.
Oh wait there is sort of a grid line….the visible lines between your poor choice of typography - which by nature, the necessity of signifies a weakness in the overall composition of the design. Try Leading, or for god’s sake kerning, because that text is so condensed that I have to literally slow down to read it.
What’s the point of taking all of these criticisms on your design from a useless major? Because It makes communication faster, more efficient, user friendly, and streamlined to the viewer.
You don’t make them work for what they want, and they stick around because of it. Furthermore providing good design makes your communication engaging, and encourages the user to interact and actually go to your “high tech social media” sites.
When you don’t adress it, or worse completely ignore that design has relevancy. You communicate that your consumers, (AKA your money and business) is not of priority value. Your identity is that of a fair weathered friend that will only be around at your own convenience. In reality, people own the businesses, and if you want to keep yours running, I suggest hiring some of those “Useless Majors”
Stop pretending to be a business that cares about your customers needs, and actually become one by offering a product that the people who gave you your job in the first place want to consume.
Now If you’ll excuse me, I’m gong to take my Graphic Design degree and actually communicate something with it.
ocdasein: tavennembhard: FUCK YOU!!!! Useless - Says the news...