I was testing something and i guess i forgot to turn it back on, its working now. Thank you for liking the blog.
Well, there are few points to consider here. To improve the situation is to bring peace.
1) They need to Actually listen to the Afghan government/people instead of acting like a boss and doing what it pleases. for example on many occasions the president Hamid karazai insisted that the night raids stop but the US continued to ignore that and considers night raid one of its main strategy in their operations because they can seen everything, and the afghans they attack can’t since most families don’t have electricity and lights.
2) In order to carry out successful operations on the insurgents the US needs to educate it self to differentiate between civilians and the insurgents. What most of US soldiers do is judge them by their looks. That is the stereotype going on in the west. When they see a man with a turban and beard they automatically assume he is a terrorists, being ignorant to the fact that, That is how the people in Afghanistan dress/look like generally. So they need to find better ways as to judging who are terrorists and who are not based on real evidence rather than suspicion only
3) By not considering the feelings of the civilians the US are just making more and more enemies to themselves. Every afghan in Afghanistan wants to fight off the US and NATO troops in Afghanistan and drive them off, so are they all terrorists? No, they are just sick of them, sick of this occupation they want freedom.
4) The US needs to set its priorities straight in Afghanistan as to what exactly they are doing there, because their reasons seam to change so many times its hard to keep track. So far all they are doing is killing civilians. People who fight the US and NATO is because they either lost family members or their house got destroyed or they got arrested and tortured falsely on the US/NATO hands and so they fight back to take revenge, these people are then labeled terrorists which the US fight back and then say we are here to kill the bad guys, YOU created the bad guys and then you want to fight them back?5) Since the US announced that the Taliban are not enemies anymore and willing to talk to them and set an office for them, Who are the enemy now? Who are they fighting now? what exactly are the US goal?
6) If they want to achieve peace, and bring freedom to women and support the country and help build it up, All that can be done without weapons and bombings and killing. Why don’t they do it in civil way? why don’t they just help like normal people would? instead of killings us and helping us at the same time?
7) Afghanistan is not a war zone (not for the US & NATO) because you are the ones who came here to fight we never asked you to come here and help. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. I don’t know why the US or the World is not hearing the screams of Afghans wanting the US out of Afghanistan. No one talks about that. The US are forcing themselves onto us. If they were here for the people, the people don’t want them. we did fine without the US long ago before the Soviet invasion and we can do fine now too.
8) The main thing is to Stop killing civilians, let people like you instead of making them hate your guts by killing their people. Show Afghan people they are really there to help. But apparently they aren’t.
9) True, a lot of things in Afghanistan have improved, like having increased education and a government and better chances at building the country and we don’t deny that, but Why need to use violence? Can’t you do all that and also not kill us in the process, torture us, imprison us? [ & that purposely most of the time]
10) To improve the situation the US troops needs to start treating Afghans as humans not as aliens that live thousands of miles away from their home.
11) The US says one thing and then does another, how can they expect for people to trust them?. They say they want to fight the opium trade and destroy every opium field but then, they are the one doing the trade them selves in Afghanistan.
Even the Russians weren’t as savage as the US soldiers are now ( not that they were any good either). They never went to houses kicking doors, at night. The Russians were always thought about Afghans and educated about their situation their culture their tradition and even given basics about Islam just so they know who they are dealing with.